Embodying “a gaze that encounters”

- The Vicariate for the Clergy and Parishes in conjunction with the College of Parish Priests to start an evaluation process to identify the obstacles that prevent parish priests/priests from prioritizing Evangelisation and Diakonia.
- The relation between numbers of masses, priests and pastoral workers needs to be studied with the aim of improving the distribution of human resources to achieve prioritized targets.
- Helping priests to develop a healthier rhythm of prayer and contemplation to strengthen pastoral zeal.
- Dar tal‑Kleru to offer more support to priests throughout their ministerial life and not only at the very end of it. The professional services rendered to priests who are in the last stage of their ministry and life to be enhanced.
PERSONS: Vicariate for the Clergy and Parishes.
- A study to determine the training requirements of pastoral workers, including for new areas of pastoral work: e.g. with persons of foreign nationalities.
PERSONS: Pastoral Formation Institute
- A course of formation in the spirit of diakonia for pastoral workers.
PERSONS: Vicariate for Diakonia; Vicariate for the Clergy and Parishes; Pastoral Formation Institute.
- The implications of the Pastoral Plan on a formative level: the vision of the Church and the formative process; the formation necessary for different ministers to concretise proposals.
PERSONS: Faculty of Theology; Archbishop’s Seminary; Pastoral Formation Institute.
- Accompaniment for professionals working in the education sector, in particular in their call to work as ministers in a plural environment that includes many religions.
PERSONS: Spiritual Development in Schools; Secretariat for Catholic Education
- A joint initiative between all sectors involved in formation and catechesis in order to evaluate how changes in culture invites us to new initiatives and proposals for the initiation of Christians and the integration of faith with life, from cradle to tomb.
PERSONS: Vicariate for Evangelisation; Secretariat for Catechesis; Communications Office.
- Strengthening the accompaniment of families.
PERSONS: Cana Movement; Belong; Catholic Action.
- Reflection on the different contexts and cultures of the people we serve, and on the challenges for inculturating the Gospel in today’s Malta.
- The creation/strengthening of chaplaincies (schools, hospitals, retirement homes, correctional facilities) in the light of our role as a Church in a society which encompasses persons from different cultures and religions. The necessary training to be provided to persons who work in this field.
PERSONS: Faculty of Theology; Vicariate of Evangelisation; Missio Malta; ĊAM; Franciscan Capuchin Monks; Pastoral Formation Institute.