
The Church in Malta inaugurates its first thrift shop

The Diaconia Unit of the Church in Malta inaugurated its first thrift shop, named LOOP. The primary aim of this project is to give dignity to individuals facing challenging circumstances, while encouraging environmental consciousness and solidarity within the community.

The shop, which is situated in Melita Street in Valletta, corner with the Church of St Francis of Assisi in Republic Street, offers a wide array of second-hand clothing and accessories at discounted prices. The clothes which are donated to the shop are thoroughly inspected by volunteers before being sent to LOOP’s laundry facility in Kalkara.

During the project’s inauguration and blessing, Mgr Charles Cordina, the Episcopal Vicar for Diaconia, emphasized the profound impact of every purchase made from this shop. Such transactions not only bestow dignity upon those benefiting from the project but also contribute to reducing the pollution caused by excessive clothing production. Mgr. Cordina underlined that while everyone can purchase these clothes, the opportunity to do so at reduced prices is particularly significant for those in need and who are supported by the parishes.

Sina Bugeja, the Coordinator of LOOP, said parish priests are amongst the persons in Maltese society who are most likely to meet individuals in need. She stressed that this is one of the reasons why they ought to be given all the support necessary for them to help those in need within their parishes.

The President of the College of Parish Priests, Fr Mario Mangion, said that the thrift shop is yet another significant Church project that helps social work within the parishes and grants dignity to individuals in need. He emphasised that the initiatives undertaken by LOOP address effectively the daily needs encountered by priests and volunteers in the parishes. Fr Mario further highlighted that the shop stands as a testament to the generosity of the Maltese people who constantly support those who are suffering, ensuring they are never left to face their challenges alone.

The Loop shop is open every day from Monday to Saturday from 8:30am to 1:30pm. Individuals interested in contributing as volunteers to this project or other social initiatives managed by the Diaconia Unit can get involved by visiting djakonija.org/join or sending a message to +356 79795254.

Casa Fratelli Tutti Inaugurated

Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi inaugurated and blessed Casa Fratelli Tutti, a house which welcomes priests from poor countries who wish to read for a Licentiate in Pastoral Theology within the Faculty of Theology at the University of Malta. The aim of Casa Fratelli Tutti is for the Church in Malta and the University to provide foreign priests with the opportunity to continue their studies in Malta, despite the financial and cultural challenges they may face. Currently, there are five priests from Nigeria and Zimbabwe residing in the house.

Casa Fratelli Tutti is located at the entrance to the Archbishop’s Seminary in Tal-Virtù in Rabat and consists of five bedrooms, a kitchen, a chapel and a living room where the priests can spend their free time together. An agreement signed by the Archdiocese of Malta and the Faculty of Theology stipulates that the house will be used by the Faculty of Theology for this pastoral and missionary purpose for a period of 15 years. Present at the house’s inauguration were officials from the Ministry of Education, lecturers from the Faculty, student residents, as well as benefactors and collaborators.

Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi said that Casa Fratelli Tutti is based on what Pope Francis wishes the Church to be, that is, a witness to the Church that welcomes. He emphasised that this house gives respect and dignity to these priests who came to Malta to be able to serve the Church in their home countries better. Their presence benefits the Church’s vision to weave bonds of unity in Christ as one Church.

The Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Fr Stefan Attard, stated that through this project, the Faculty is tangibly assisting priests who will offer a better service to the Church and society back in their home countries. He also expressed his hope that, in a world full of challenges, Casa Fratelli Tutti will continue to foster fraternity, social dialogue and solidarity in a practical way. He expressed his gratitude to all benefactors and collaborators who made this project and its desired outcome possible.

The name of the house is inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical, ‘Fratelli Tutti’, which addresses fraternity and social friendship. Anyone wishing to offer support may contact the Faculty of Theology at [email protected].

19 church entities in the social sphere meet the Archbishop

19 organisations within the Church in Malta that offer their services in the social sphere met with Archbishop Charles Scicluna on Wednesday 26th April at the Archbishop’s Curia, Floriana. The organisations which form part of the Secretariat for Diaconia, spoke about their work and the tough realities they face on a daily basis.

Following their presentations, the Archbishop gave a short closing address during which he thanked each organisation for the important work being carried out in Maltese society. He encouraged them to foster ongoing dialogue and coordination between them to ensure that resources are used in the most efficient way for the benefit of people in need and for the most vulnerable.

“I also think that on certain issues we need to create a common platform. At the end of the day, we are echoing concerns that affect the whole of society. And when there is a common voice, I think it is more powerful,” the Archbishop expressed.

Entitajiet membri tas-Segretarjat tad-Djakonija f’laqgħa mal-Isqfijiet – 26/04/23 Aktar ritratti: knisja.mt/ritratti

The entities present were: the chaplancies of Mater Dei Hospital and the Corradino Correctional Facility, Caritas, id-Dar tal-Providenza, the Church Homes for the Elderly, the Migrants’ Commission, Fondazzjoni Sebħ, Dar Hosea, Dar Merħba Bik Foundation, the Diaconia Diocesan Commission, the Millennium Chapel, Osanna Pia, Paolo Freire Institute, the Secretariat for Social Assistance, St Jeanne Antide Foundation, Fondazzjoni Suret il-Bniedem, the Justice and Peace Commission, the Coordinator for Pastoral Work with Separated Persons, and the OFM Soup Kitchen in Valletta.

The Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi and Mgr. Charles Cordina, the Archbishop’s Delegate for Diaconia were also present for the meeting.

Last Sunday, the Church in Malta celebrated Charity Day and collected funds for the entities participating in this initiative. Whoever wishes to help, may still make a donation by:

  • by sending a cheque payable to the Archdiocese of Malta to Segretarjat Djakonija, Jum il-Karità, Kurja tal-Arċisqof, P.O. Box 1, Floriana FRN1520. Cheques must be issued for the amount of €20.01 or more to be accepted by the banks.
  • online at https://knisja.mt/donazzjonijiet/ with ‘Jum il-Karità’ inserted in the message field so that the money donated will go to this cause.
Entitajiet membri tas-Segretarjat tad-Djakonija f’laqgħa mal-Isqfijiet – 26/04/23 Aktar ritratti: knisja.mt/ritratti

843 boxes of essential items from parishes in Malta for Turkey and Syria

On Sunday 12 February 2023, 843 boxes of essential items were collected from the parishes in Malta for the people of Turkey and Syria. The items included 97 blankets and 12 heaters and took 17 trips by van to be transported to the Civil Protection Department. The initiative was coordinated by the Archdiocese of Malta through the Social Works Foundation and the work of more than 100 volunteers.

The items were collected by the parish centres of Qawra, Iklin, Mosta, Birżebbuġa, Gżira and Għaxaq. A number of volunteers from the parishes of Immaculate Conception in Ħamrun, Żurrieq, Ħal Balzan, and Christ the King in Paola also helped with the transportation of goods to these centres.

Meanwhile, Caritas Malta, in collaboration with Caritas Internationalis, is still appealing for cash donations for these two countries affected by the earthquake. The aid will be translated into food, water, housing and items for personal hygiene, and shelter for those who have lost everything. Click here to see how you can make a cash donation or call 22199000 for more information.

The Salesians in Malta are also collecting cash donations for Aleppo in Syria. Click here for more details or call 99296552.

2022 Assembly: Being close to each other in the style of the Gospel

The process of ‘A Church that Accompanies’ is launched at the 2022 Diocesan Assembly

L-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta nediet it-tielet sena ta’ proċess ekkleżjali ‘Knisja Waħda, Vjaġġ Wieħed: Knisja li Takkumpanja’. Dan sar waqt l-Assemblea Djoċesana annwali, fejn instemgħu esperjenzi varji dwar kif il-Knisja qed takkumpanja lin-nies fid-diversi ċirkustanzi ta’ ħajjithom. L-esperjenzi kienu jinkludu akkumpanjament li jsir fl-iskejjel mal-istudenti, l-għalliema, l-ġenituri u l-impjegati; u akkumpanjament fil-parroċċi fosthom mal-familji u ma’ dawk li ġarrbu xi telfa; u akkumpanjament mas-saċerdoti stess.

Dwar il-fażi ta’ akkumpanjament, l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi, qal: “Il-ħsieb hu li ngħinu biex l-oqsma differenti tal-Knisja f’Malta matul is-sena d-dieħla joħorġu b’inizjattivi kreattivi u siewja fejn jidħol l-akkumpanjament. Dejjem hi ta’ sfida għalina, imma hi importanti li ngħaqqdu flimkien il-kreattività mal-unità fid-direzzjoni u fil-ħidma”. Kien għalhekk li stieden lill-istituzzjonijiet differenti fil-Knisja f’Malta sabiex ikunu ispirati minn din it-tema u bil-kreattività tagħhom jaħdmu flimkien bħala Knisja waħda.

L-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi spjega wkoll kif il-proċess ekkleżjali Knisja Waħda, Vjaġġ Wieħed hu esperjenza li jgħaqqadna bis-sħiħ mal-esperjenza ta’ sinodalità li l-Papa Franġisku nieda għall-Knisja universali fl-2021 u għandu jwassal għal outreach f’missjoni. Żied jgħid li l-proċess inqasam fuq erba’ aspetti u kull sena l-Knisja qed tiffoka u tinżel fil-fond fuq aspett partikulari.

Matul il-jumejn tal-Assemblea ngħata wkoll rendikont ta’ x’sar matul il-proċess ekkleżjali Knisja Waħda, Vjaġġ Wieħed din is-sena, li kien dwar ‘Knisja li tilqa’’. Il-grupp li ħadem fuq din il-fażi tal-proċess kellu jifhem aħjar kif il-Knisja f’Malta tista’ tkompli tilqa’ u tkun qrib il-persuni migranti, LGBTIQ+, persuni li sofrew minn xi forma ta’ abbuż, persuni mwarrba minħabba l-faqar, u persuni li fil-passat sofrew minħabba kwistjonijiet politiċi. Il-grupp li kien qed jaħdem ma’ dawn in-nies ħareġ bi proposti konkreti ta’ x’jista’ jsir fis-snin li ġejjin.

L-Assemblea Djoċesana ntemmet b’messaġġ mill-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna. Hu spjega li f’dan il-proċess irridu niskopru min se jakkumpanja lil min, kif, fejn u meta se jsir l-akkumpanjament. Jagħti eżempju ta’ kif jista’ jsir l-akkumpanjament bl-eżempju tal-istorja ta’ Għemmaus, fejn Ġesù daħal fis-sitwazzjoni tad-dixxipli, semagħhom, staqsiehom u dderiġihom mingħajr ma impona lilu nnifsu. Żid jgħid li hu proċess fejn inkunu qrib ta’ xulxin, bħalma Alla hu qrib tagħna, bla ma ħadd iħossu superjuri fuq ħadd.

L-Arċisqof qal li dan għandu jkun akkumpanjament “li ma jiċħad il-libertà ta’ ħadd imma jeduka għall-imħabba, għall-ferħ u għall-paċi” u li permezz tiegħu “nkunu qrib ta’ xulxin bl-istil tal-Evanġelju, bil-viċinanza, bit-tenerezza u anki b’ħafna ħniena u ħafna kompassjoni”.

Madwar 200 parteċipant attendew fiżikament jew virtwalment għall-Assemblea fis-sala taċ-ĊAK f’Birkirkara. Aktar tagħrif dwar il-proċess Knisja Waħda, Vjaġġ Wieħed jinsab fuq vjagg.knisja.mt.

Tagħrif u riżorsi oħra marbuta mal-Assemblea Djoċesana

Synthesis of the Synodal Process

The synthesis of the Synodal Process presented by the Maltese Episcopal Conference to the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, reflects on the main themes that emerged from the listening process carried out during the past months within the Archdiocese of Malta and the Diocese of Gozo. The variety of initiatives that have taken place during this journey of mutual conversations were combined to depict the synodal process in the Church in Malta.

Watch: Live-in for parish priests 2022 – A welcoming Church, an inclusive Church

Il‑kappillani tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta rriflettew fuq it‑tema ‘Knisja li tilqa’, Knisja inklussiva’, waqt il‑live‑in annwali. Huma ddiskutew kif bħala saċerdoti jista’ jkollhom attitudni pastorali li dejjem tilqa’ lill‑persuni ta’ madwarhom billi jkunu inklussivi fi kliemhom, fl‑atteġġjament tagħhom u fid‑deċiżjonijiet li jieħdu, kemm mal‑persuni li huma midħla tal‑Knisja u anke dawk li mhumiex. ‘Knisja li tilqa’ hi t‑tieni tema tad‑dokument ta’ tiġdid ekkleżjali tal‑Arċidjoċesi Knisja Waħda, Vjaġġ Wieħed

L‑ewwel jum tal‑live‑in li sar fis‑Seminarju tal‑Arċisqof beda b’messaġġ mill‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna li tkellem dwar l‑isfond bibliku tal‑kelma ‘tilqa’. Hu appella lis‑saċerdoti biex ma jżommux lura milli jilqgħu lill‑persuni kollha, kif għamel Ġesù.

Matul dawn it‑tlitt ijiem ta’ riflessjoni u diskussjoni, diversi kelliema u esperti għenu lill‑kappillani jifhmu kif is‑saċerdot jista’ jilqa’ persuni oħra u l‑ideat differenti tagħhom. Il‑kappillani kellhom ukoll iċ‑ċans jitkellmu dwar l‑aspetti amministrattivi u maniġerjali li jiltaqgħu magħhom kuljum fil‑parroċċa. Kellhom ukoll ħin għal attivitajiet inqas formali (team building) sabiex ikunu jistgħu jsaħħu aktar ir‑relazzjoni ta’ ħbiberija ta’ bejniethom.

Suġġett ieħor li l‑kappillani rreflettew dwaru kien il‑qasam tal‑adolexxenti u ż‑żgħażagħ. Huma ddiskutew dan il‑qasam flimkien mal‑membri tal‑Malta Catholic Youth Network (MCYN) u ngħataw preżentazzjoni minn DISCERN dwar riċerka li turi xejriet fost iż‑żgħażagħ dwar l‑irwol tagħhom fil‑komunità, il‑politika, il‑mużika, il‑fidi u l‑volontarjat. 

Is-Sra Antoinette Caruana, waħda mill-kelliema tal-live-in

L‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi għalaq il‑live‑in billi semma kif bħala Knisja lkoll mistiedna ngħixu flimkien is‑Sinodu tal‑Isqfijiet li se jsir fl‑2023. Qal li bħala Nsara m’aħniex imsejħa biex inkunu magħluqa fina nfusna iżda li noħorġu u nibnu djalogu mal‑persuni ta’ madwarna.

Il‑live‑in ġie organizzat mill‑Kunsill tal‑Kulleġġ tal‑Kappillani bejn l‑24 u s‑26 ta’ Mejju 2022.

Id-Delegat tal-Arċisqof għaż-Żgħażagħ waqt it-taħdita dwar l‑adolexxenti u ż‑żgħażagħ
Mark Laurence Zammit, wieħed mill-kelliema tal-live-in

‘The fruit of an ecclesial welcoming attitude is true reconciliation’

As announced at the last Diocesan Assembly in November 2021, throughout this year we will be focusing on the theme A Church that welcomes. The intent is to appropriate more deeply our Church’s charism of “hospitality,” not only by tearing down the walls that separate us, but by opening spaces for healing in body and soul to be reconciled as one People. As we embrace an attitude of reconciliation and mercy, the Church in Malta becomes “like ‘bread that is broken’ to rediscover her original calling…that of sharing the Good News through serving all, by serving everyone without discrimination” (One Church, One Journey).

Throughout the next nine months, we will be focusing on five themes:

  • Migrants: that we may learn to put on the shoes of migrants among us, especially those in our very neighbourhoods, to meet their multiple complex needs and welcome them in friendship.
  • Political Reconciliation: that we may ponder and seek healing for the wounds in our nation’s history.
  • Diakonia: that we may reflect on the extent we are responding to the signs of the times by tending to the needs of all the poor and the vulnerable in our communities in a spirit of evangelisation.
  • Safeguarding: that, in light of the universal Church’s commitment in this field, we may seek healing for all those who feel hurt by the Church.
  • The LGBTIQ community: that, following the preliminary reflection at the Diocesan Assembly, we may continue to reach out and build bridges of encounter with the members of this community who may feel excluded by the Church.

Treat each person with respect and dignity – Archbishop meets Drachma

Photo: Drachma

Archbishop Charles Scicluna and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi met with theLGBTIQ+ community to discuss ways on how to make the LGBTIQ+ community feel more at home with the Church.

During a meeting held on Tuesday, together with a good number of the LGBTIQ+ organisations in Malta, namely Allied Rainbow Community (ARC), Drachma LGBTI, Drachma Parents Group, LGBTI+ Gozo, and the Malta LGBTIQ Rights Malta (MGRM) the representatives of these organisations were able to share aspects of their life as well as their work.

In a press release issued on Thursday the organisations said that they talked about the challenges encountered and about the positive changes they have seen in these last few years.

One of the things that came up during the meeting was Pride, they said.

The explained how for an indefinite period of time the LGBTIQ+ community was made to feel worthless and shameful of their identity and themselves.

“They were and still are persecuted in a significant number of countries. They just wanted to embrace their sexuality, they wanted to move away from the shame and move towards self-acceptance and to be proud of who they are, and that is how Pride came about,” said the representatives.

They also talked about the invaluable work they conduct with Malta’s LGBTIQ+ community, the support that is given, the awareness that is raised and the rights that they have worked for.

In their discussion, the Bishops showed great sensitivity to the needs of the LGBTIQ+ community and pledged to continue supporting a welcoming space for all.

One area of interest that came up during the meeting was the importance given to the continued development of the human sciences and what they are showing us.

The organisations said that such data is necessary for the Church to deepen its reflection and pastoral attitudes in the light of evidence-based research on the LGBTIQ+ reality & their families.

And in fact, the representatives from LGBT+ Gozo and MGRM passed on two surveys which they had conducted independently, with both Bishops gladly appreciating the current information.

Archbishop Scicluna stressed that “we need to move away from the language of ideology and to stop speaking without thinking first.”

His main message was that we should always keep in mind that we are talking about other human beings, and that we should therefore treat each and every person with respect and dignity, as this is the only way to show the love of Christ.

The two-hour meeting held at the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana had a profound sense of synodality that was clearly felt and expressed by all those present. One activist was so moved with the meeting and described it as a truly comforting and healing experience.

Foundation for Affordable Housing established between the Church and the State

L‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta u l‑Gvern Malti ffirmaw ftehim għat‑twaqqif tal‑ewwel Fondazzjoni tal‑Akkomodazzjoni Affordabbli. Permezz ta’ dan il‑ftehim il‑Knisja u l‑Gvern se jaħdmu flimkien biex tiġi offruta akkomodazzjoni soċjali għal nies bi dħul baxx u medju. Inizjalment din l‑akkomodazzjoni se tiġi offruta b’kiri, b’rati inqas minn tas‑suq.

Il‑ftehim, li ġie ppresedut mill‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna u mill‑Prim Ministru Robert Abela, ġie ffirmat mis‑Segretarju Amministrattiv tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta, Michael Pace Ross, u minn Grazio Barbara, Direttur Ġenerali tad‑Dipartiment tas‑Sigurtà Soċjali. 

L‑Arċidjoċesi se tgħaddi lill‑fondazzjoni l‑Kunvent ta’ Santa Giovanna t’Ark li jinsab fiċ‑ċentru ta’ Ħal Kirkop, b’ċens temporanju ta’ 25 sena. Din il‑proprjetà tal‑Knisja, li ma kinitx qed tintuża u li huwa stmat li tiswa mal‑miljun ewro, se tospita l‑ewwel inizjattiva ta’ akkomodazzjoni affordabbli mmexxija minn din il‑fondazzjoni. 

Il‑Gvern min‑naħa tiegħu se jinvesti €300,000 fis‑sena għall‑ewwel 25 sena sabiex jiffaċilita l‑operat tal‑fondazzjoni. Il‑fondazzjoni se tkun tista’ takkwista artijiet u proprjetajiet biex isiru proġetti ta’ housing affordabbli għal dawk li jikkwalifikaw għalihom. 

L‑għan fit‑tul tal‑fondazzjoni hu li tipprovdi akkomodazzjoni affordabbli ta’ kwalità u li tkun ekonomikament, ambjentalment u soċjalment sostenibbli. 

L‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna qal li l‑għan ta’ din il‑fondazzjoni huwa wieħed nobbli għaliex se tieħu ħsieb persuni li għalkemm mhumiex fuq il‑benefiċċji soċjali xorta waħda qed isibuha diffiċli biex ikollhom post fejn jgħixu minħabba ċ‑ċirkustanzi personali tagħhom. Mons. Arċisqof qal li dan huwa eżempju konkret ieħor ta’ kif proprjetà tal‑Knisja li ma kinitx qed tintuża qed titqiegħed għad‑dispożizzjoni ta’ persuni fil‑bżonn biex id‑dinjità tal‑bniedem tiġi dejjem rispettata. Huwa fakkar fil‑kontribut kontinwu tal‑Knisja li tagħmel disponibbli proprjetajiet tagħha għal għanijiet soċjali.

Il‑Prim Ministru Robert Abela rrimarka li “f’dan il‑pajjiż irridu li kulħadd ikollu l‑opportunità li jilħaq l‑aspirazzjonijiet tiegħu u jibdel il‑ħolm tiegħu f’realtà. U dar komda fejn wieħed jgħix hija aspirazzjoni ta’ kull familja. Illum għandna l‑ikbar numru ta’ sidien ta’ djarhom u l‑inqas numru ta’ persuni jistennew akkomodazzjoni soċjali, riżultati li lħaqnihom waqt pandemija. L‑akkomodazzjoni affordabbli kienet il‑ħolqa li jmiss biex issa għandna sistema sħiħa li toffri għażliet differenti imma kollha adegwati għal nies bi dħul differenti.”

Il‑Prim Ministru esprima s‑sodisfazzjon tiegħu li din il‑fondazzjoni qed titwaqqaf bis‑sħubija mal‑Knisja. “Kif tgħallimna f’din il‑pandemija flimkien nistgħu niksbu ħafna aktar milli waħedna.   Dan se jibqa’ l‑istil li bih jaħdem il‑gvern li mmexxi jien. Nisimgħu mingħand kull min għandu sehem x’jagħti u nieħdu d‑deċiżjonijiet kollha meħtieġa biex inġibu bidla pożittiva f’ħajjet in‑nies.”

It‑tmexxija tal‑fondazzjoni se tkun fdata f’idejn il‑Kunsill tal‑Amministraturi magħmul minn sitt membri, bi tliet membri jkunu maħtura mill‑Gvern u tlieta maħtura mill‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. L‑ewwel chairperson tal‑Kunsill tal‑Amministraturi se jinħatar mill‑Gvern minn fost it‑tliet membri maħtura minnu, bir‑rwol jalterna kull sentejn bejn il‑fundaturi.

Il‑Ministru Roderick Galdes qal li billi toffri akkomodazzjoni adegwata u affordabbli, din il‑fondazzjoni se tibqa’ tifdi l‑bżonnijiet ġodda ta’ soċjetà li qed tinbidel. Qal ukoll li l‑Fondazzjoni tal‑Akkomodazzjoni Affordabbli qed iġġib flimkien żewġ imsieħba li flimkien jaqsmu l‑impenn soċjali u r‑rieda li s‑soċjetà Maltija tkun imsejsa fuq l‑ugwaljanza u l‑ġustizzja.