
2022 Assembly: Being close to each other in the style of the Gospel

The process of ‘A Church that Accompanies’ is launched at the 2022 Diocesan Assembly

L-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta nediet it-tielet sena ta’ proċess ekkleżjali ‘Knisja Waħda, Vjaġġ Wieħed: Knisja li Takkumpanja’. Dan sar waqt l-Assemblea Djoċesana annwali, fejn instemgħu esperjenzi varji dwar kif il-Knisja qed takkumpanja lin-nies fid-diversi ċirkustanzi ta’ ħajjithom. L-esperjenzi kienu jinkludu akkumpanjament li jsir fl-iskejjel mal-istudenti, l-għalliema, l-ġenituri u l-impjegati; u akkumpanjament fil-parroċċi fosthom mal-familji u ma’ dawk li ġarrbu xi telfa; u akkumpanjament mas-saċerdoti stess.

Dwar il-fażi ta’ akkumpanjament, l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi, qal: “Il-ħsieb hu li ngħinu biex l-oqsma differenti tal-Knisja f’Malta matul is-sena d-dieħla joħorġu b’inizjattivi kreattivi u siewja fejn jidħol l-akkumpanjament. Dejjem hi ta’ sfida għalina, imma hi importanti li ngħaqqdu flimkien il-kreattività mal-unità fid-direzzjoni u fil-ħidma”. Kien għalhekk li stieden lill-istituzzjonijiet differenti fil-Knisja f’Malta sabiex ikunu ispirati minn din it-tema u bil-kreattività tagħhom jaħdmu flimkien bħala Knisja waħda.

L-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi spjega wkoll kif il-proċess ekkleżjali Knisja Waħda, Vjaġġ Wieħed hu esperjenza li jgħaqqadna bis-sħiħ mal-esperjenza ta’ sinodalità li l-Papa Franġisku nieda għall-Knisja universali fl-2021 u għandu jwassal għal outreach f’missjoni. Żied jgħid li l-proċess inqasam fuq erba’ aspetti u kull sena l-Knisja qed tiffoka u tinżel fil-fond fuq aspett partikulari.

Matul il-jumejn tal-Assemblea ngħata wkoll rendikont ta’ x’sar matul il-proċess ekkleżjali Knisja Waħda, Vjaġġ Wieħed din is-sena, li kien dwar ‘Knisja li tilqa’’. Il-grupp li ħadem fuq din il-fażi tal-proċess kellu jifhem aħjar kif il-Knisja f’Malta tista’ tkompli tilqa’ u tkun qrib il-persuni migranti, LGBTIQ+, persuni li sofrew minn xi forma ta’ abbuż, persuni mwarrba minħabba l-faqar, u persuni li fil-passat sofrew minħabba kwistjonijiet politiċi. Il-grupp li kien qed jaħdem ma’ dawn in-nies ħareġ bi proposti konkreti ta’ x’jista’ jsir fis-snin li ġejjin.

L-Assemblea Djoċesana ntemmet b’messaġġ mill-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna. Hu spjega li f’dan il-proċess irridu niskopru min se jakkumpanja lil min, kif, fejn u meta se jsir l-akkumpanjament. Jagħti eżempju ta’ kif jista’ jsir l-akkumpanjament bl-eżempju tal-istorja ta’ Għemmaus, fejn Ġesù daħal fis-sitwazzjoni tad-dixxipli, semagħhom, staqsiehom u dderiġihom mingħajr ma impona lilu nnifsu. Żid jgħid li hu proċess fejn inkunu qrib ta’ xulxin, bħalma Alla hu qrib tagħna, bla ma ħadd iħossu superjuri fuq ħadd.

L-Arċisqof qal li dan għandu jkun akkumpanjament “li ma jiċħad il-libertà ta’ ħadd imma jeduka għall-imħabba, għall-ferħ u għall-paċi” u li permezz tiegħu “nkunu qrib ta’ xulxin bl-istil tal-Evanġelju, bil-viċinanza, bit-tenerezza u anki b’ħafna ħniena u ħafna kompassjoni”.

Madwar 200 parteċipant attendew fiżikament jew virtwalment għall-Assemblea fis-sala taċ-ĊAK f’Birkirkara. Aktar tagħrif dwar il-proċess Knisja Waħda, Vjaġġ Wieħed jinsab fuq vjagg.knisja.mt.

Tagħrif u riżorsi oħra marbuta mal-Assemblea Djoċesana

Synthesis of the Synodal Process

The synthesis of the Synodal Process presented by the Maltese Episcopal Conference to the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, reflects on the main themes that emerged from the listening process carried out during the past months within the Archdiocese of Malta and the Diocese of Gozo. The variety of initiatives that have taken place during this journey of mutual conversations were combined to depict the synodal process in the Church in Malta.

‘The fruit of an ecclesial welcoming attitude is true reconciliation’

As announced at the last Diocesan Assembly in November 2021, throughout this year we will be focusing on the theme A Church that welcomes. The intent is to appropriate more deeply our Church’s charism of “hospitality,” not only by tearing down the walls that separate us, but by opening spaces for healing in body and soul to be reconciled as one People. As we embrace an attitude of reconciliation and mercy, the Church in Malta becomes “like ‘bread that is broken’ to rediscover her original calling…that of sharing the Good News through serving all, by serving everyone without discrimination” (One Church, One Journey).

Throughout the next nine months, we will be focusing on five themes:

  • Migrants: that we may learn to put on the shoes of migrants among us, especially those in our very neighbourhoods, to meet their multiple complex needs and welcome them in friendship.
  • Political Reconciliation: that we may ponder and seek healing for the wounds in our nation’s history.
  • Diakonia: that we may reflect on the extent we are responding to the signs of the times by tending to the needs of all the poor and the vulnerable in our communities in a spirit of evangelisation.
  • Safeguarding: that, in light of the universal Church’s commitment in this field, we may seek healing for all those who feel hurt by the Church.
  • The LGBTIQ community: that, following the preliminary reflection at the Diocesan Assembly, we may continue to reach out and build bridges of encounter with the members of this community who may feel excluded by the Church.

Celebrating Pentecost: 7 experiences of Catholic faith

To celebrate this year’s Pentecost, the Pastoral Formation Institute was inspired by the ecclesial renewal document One Church, One Journey to showcase the beautiful tapestry that is the Catholic Church in Malta. In a series of 7 testimonies, we will meet persons from different countries, cultures, and languages, expressing their Catholic faith and their experience of the Holy Spirit in their lives.  A video will be published every day during the week leading to Pentecost.

Our aim is to show the richness and diversity of the Catholic Church in Malta, and what better feast to highlight this than the great feast of Pentecost!

This project presented us with a unique opportunity to meet 11 wonderful individuals who shared with us their experience of living in Malta, on living their vocation in their daily life, and their thoughts on the Holy Spirit. Each person also recites a prayer in their own language.

Join us on this journey to discover how, although we have different languages and rites, we are all One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

Watch these experiences below

Meet Ana Maria Quintero López, from Colombia. In 2017 Ana Maria came to Malta to learn English and ended up finding her now husband. Now she calls Malta her new home. Click here to find out more about Ana Maria.

Meet Alessandro and Valentina Scafidi who decided to take a leap of faith and move to Malta in hopes to find a new place to call home. Watch this couples’ testimonial on how they feel God’s presence in their everyday life. Click here to find out more about Alessandro and Valentina.

Meet Sam Thomas Alex, from India. He was very excited when he had an opportunity to work in Malta, the land where St Paul was shipwrecked. Now working as a registered nurse at St Martin’s College and leading the Msida branch of the St Thomas Syro-Malabar community in Malta, he is still fascinated by the churches found at every corner on the island.

Meet Joseph Keleta from Eritrea and Deborah Keleta from Malta. A newlywed couple who shared their experience of strength in faith in facing life’s challenges.

Meet Pappàs Martin Zammit, from Valletta. He is married with two kids and a grandfather of three. P Martin lectures Arabic and Semitic languages at the University of Malta and he is the parish priest of the Greek-Catholic Parish of Malta.

Meet Robert Farrugia. “The human being thirsts for love in a universal manner. We all wish to feel loved. In love we find healing, peace and rest. This love is experienced in different experiences, be it romantic, friendship but most of all interior. It is there that we experience a different kind of relationship, a true treasure, the proper source of spiritual love.”

Meet Sr Mimosa (Albania), Sr Maria (Spain) & Sr Luigina (Italy) who came to Malta in hope to create a family atmosphere, where youth of different backgrounds meet & flourish in Catholic values.

‘Read Think Speak’ by MCYN

Read Think Speak is a series of meetings which forms part of the process of listening which the Church in Malta is doing in line with the document One Church, One Journey. As an entity of the Archdiocese, the Malta Catholic Youth Network (MCYN) felt it needed to really practice being a ‘Church that listens’. So, the main aim of these meetings is to listen to what young people, youth leaders and parish priests have to say. Although these meetings are being held online due to the restrictions imposed because of the pandemic, they are also an opportunity for different youth groups to get to know each other.

Read Think Speak is an ongoing project which started in February 2021. Each month, MCYN meets two different youth groups for an informal meeting where the team, youth leaders and young people share experiences of encounter with Christ, which has been especially fruitful. The meeting also include discussions about themes from the process One Church, One Journey.

Each meeting involves between ten and twenty people from different parishes and lay communities. Since August 2021, MCYN met a total of 123 people, and looks forward to meeting many more! These meetings would not be a possibility without the cooperation and dedication of various youth leaders who help make Read Think Speak happen.

With over a 100 different youth groups all over Malta, we’ve got a long way to go. However, the feedback we’ve received so far has been extremely affirming. Attendees have expressed their gratitude to be given the space to share and listen to the experiences of peers from different groups. Through their sharing, young people and youth groups have come to see the similarities and differences between them, both as individuals and as groups. Many times, an acknowledgement of these differences were seen to make the Church all the more richer.

Il-proġett Beyond GDP mill-Ġustizzja u Paċi

Ispirata mil‑laqgħa internazzjonali ta’ Novembru 2020 f’Assisi ‘L‑Ekonomija ta’ Franġisku’, sabiex l-ekonomija tkun tassew għas-servizz tal-umanità u l-ħarsien tal-ambjent, il‑Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi nediet l‑inizjattiva Beyond GDP b’ħidma mal‑fergħat Maltin tal‑Moviment tal‑Fokolari u l‑Fondazzjoni Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice, flimkien mal‑kumpaniji EY u Seed Consultancy bl‑appoġġ ta’ APS Bank.

L-iskop tal-proġett hu li permezz ta’ djalogu ma’ stakeholders fil-qasam ekonomiku jinħoloq għarfien dwar ekonomija li hi għas-servizz tal-bniedem u jipproponi modi ta’ kif nistghu nindirizzaw dan fil-prattika.

Fehmiet fuq il-Kattoliċiżmu minn DISCERN

DISCERN, l-istitut ta’ riċerka dwar is-sinjali taż-żminijiet, lesta l-proġett Fehmiet fuq il-Kattoliċiżmu. Ir-rappreżentazzjonijiet tal-Kattoliċiżmu f’Malta huma diversi u huma dinamiċi. Dal-proġett ta’ riċerka esplora r-rappreżentazzjonijiet, u l-lingwaġġ li jintuża, rigward il-Kattoliċiżmu f’Malta, qalb gruppi demografiċi differenti (abbażi ta’ ġeneru, età, edukazzjoni, u reġjuni). Il-parteċipanti ġew minn sfondi varji.

Dan il-proġett involva serje ta’ intervisti dettaljati. It-temi li ġew esplorati kienu jirrigwardaw il-fehmiet tan-nies fuq il-Kattoliċiżmu, xi tfisser li persuna tkun Kattolika, l-orjentament tal-persuni lejn prinċipji Kattoliċi, eċċ. L-intervisti ġew analizzati primarjament permezz ta’ analiżi tematika. L-analiżi ħarset lejn il-fehmiet, u l-lingwa li tintuża, vis-a-vis il-Kattoliċiżmu – jew aħjar, Kattoliċiżmi – li hawn preżenti f’Malta, flimkien mal-profili differenti ta’ Kattoliċiżmi.

Skont riċerka li għamel Discern, lokalment ma kienx hemm riċerka kontemporanja u komprensiva li tidħol fid-dettall f’dawn it-tip ta’ mistoqsijiet. Għalhekk, inħass il-bżonn li jiġu esplorati aħjar il-fehmiet tan-nies, minn kull faxxa tas-soċjetà. Barra minn hekk, hawn ħafna ilħna differenti fis-soċjetà li mhux dejjem jinstemgħu. Dal-proġett kien utli għal diversi entitajiet biex iwasslu l-messaġġ tagħhom aħjar; kemm jekk tkun entità li tgħaqqad grupp ta’ nies bħala ħbieb, kif ukoll jekk tindirizza kwistjonijiet soċjali sistemiċi bħall-ambjent u l-faqar.

Ir-rapport ta’ din ir-riċerka jista’ jinsab fis-sit tad-DISCERN (www.discern.mt).

Fifth Edition of the Bible in Maltese Published

The Malta Bible Society published the Fifth Edition of the Bible in Maltese, that has been revised according to the latest studies by Maltese bible scholars, is available for purchase. The Bible, that should guide the formation of every Christian is being published on the 60th anniversary since the foundation of the Malta Bible Society.

This fifth edition has been published in three different formats: a standard edition (€38), a compact edition (€30) and a special edition (€45). All three publications may be purchased from the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana, from Monday to Friday between 8am and 3:30pm, except for Thursdays. The standard and compact editions are also available from the main bookshops and book distributors.

The Bible in Maltese is also available on the popular YouVersion Bible app available on iOS & Android. Click here for more information.

The Bible in Maltese on the YouVersion Bible App

The Malta Bible Society concluded the editing of the fifth edition of its translation of the Bible from the original texts to Maltese. It would like to announce that the complete text will be available on the popular YouVersion Bible App.

The Bible App is installed on over 420 million unique devices all over the world, the Bible App offers a free Bible experience for smartphones, tablets, and online, is downloadable for free, can be used without payment and doesn’t have adverts.

Download the Bible App now

Il-ħidma tal-Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi

Wara li rat id-dokument tal-proċess ta’ tiġdid ekkleżjali, il-Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paċi bdiet numru ta’ kollaborazzjonijiet b’relazzjoni ma’ entitajiet oħra bħal MCYN, is-Segretarjat għall-Katekeżi, it-Taqsima Djakonija fil-Parroċċi u l-Kummissjoni Immigranti. Il-proċess għadu għaddej u ċerti proġetti għalissa jinsabu sospiżi minħabba s-sitwazzjoni tal-Covid-19.