19 organisations within the Church in Malta that offer their services in the social sphere met with Archbishop Charles Scicluna on Wednesday 26th April at the Archbishop’s Curia, Floriana. The organisations which form part of the Secretariat for Diaconia, spoke about their work and the tough realities they face on a daily basis.
Following their presentations, the Archbishop gave a short closing address during which he thanked each organisation for the important work being carried out in Maltese society. He encouraged them to foster ongoing dialogue and coordination between them to ensure that resources are used in the most efficient way for the benefit of people in need and for the most vulnerable.
“I also think that on certain issues we need to create a common platform. At the end of the day, we are echoing concerns that affect the whole of society. And when there is a common voice, I think it is more powerful,” the Archbishop expressed.

The entities present were: the chaplancies of Mater Dei Hospital and the Corradino Correctional Facility, Caritas, id-Dar tal-Providenza, the Church Homes for the Elderly, the Migrants’ Commission, Fondazzjoni Sebħ, Dar Hosea, Dar Merħba Bik Foundation, the Diaconia Diocesan Commission, the Millennium Chapel, Osanna Pia, Paolo Freire Institute, the Secretariat for Social Assistance, St Jeanne Antide Foundation, Fondazzjoni Suret il-Bniedem, the Justice and Peace Commission, the Coordinator for Pastoral Work with Separated Persons, and the OFM Soup Kitchen in Valletta.
The Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi and Mgr. Charles Cordina, the Archbishop’s Delegate for Diaconia were also present for the meeting.
Last Sunday, the Church in Malta celebrated Charity Day and collected funds for the entities participating in this initiative. Whoever wishes to help, may still make a donation by:
- by sending a cheque payable to the Archdiocese of Malta to Segretarjat Djakonija, Jum il-Karità, Kurja tal-Arċisqof, P.O. Box 1, Floriana FRN1520. Cheques must be issued for the amount of €20.01 or more to be accepted by the banks.
- online at https://knisja.mt/donazzjonijiet/ with ‘Jum il-Karità’ inserted in the message field so that the money donated will go to this cause.