Spiritual Conversations – Church that goes forth

The year 2024 of the synodal process for ecclesial renewal One Church, One Journey is dedicated to the theme “Church that Goes Forth.” At the last Diocesan Assembly of November 2023 that launched the year, participants identified a number of themes where the local church needs to go forth so that, in the spirit of St Paul the Apostle who proclaimed the gospel among us with gestures of healing, we too reach out with “unusual kindness” (Acts 28:2) to heal wounds.

Following the positive response in July, we are inviting all Catholics in Malta to participate in one or more of the spiritual conversations being organised this August in a synodal spirit. As we gather, we will be listening to one another and to the Spirit as we discern what concrete actions are being called of the Church in Malta to go forth in, what Pope Francis calls, our field hospital after battlefield.

These conversations will be held in August 2024. Choose from the topics below which ones interest you: